I am battling a wide variety of emotions this week. I am stressed out, tired, anxious, and happy all at the same time. I have been working on my final projects for my Advanced Healthcare Administration class and my Capstone (FINAL course) class this week and it has proven to be exhausting. I am so ready to be done with these classes! My Capstone course is pretty tough, so I will be so relieved when I finish. Tomorrow starts week 6 of 6 and I am so incredibly relieved...or I will be, when my final projects are turned in.
I am so tired this week. I have started getting up at least one or two times a night now. As soon as I lay down my sweet Emory starts livin' la vida loca in my belly, which I don't mind, but it does make for an early morning. Also, we have now hit our yearly flea infestation.
Yes, that is right. FLEAS!
I hate fleas! We got them last year in the middle of the summer. We finally had the pest people come out and bomb our house and yard in order to get rid of them, which worked wonders, but we were so hoping they wouldn't come back this year. Unfortunately, they have, and with vengeance! I am so paranoid now and I always feel like they are crawling on me, which is an absolute dreadful feeling!! Andy took the dogs to the vet today and got them flea pills to take and he is supposed to call and set up the flea bomb for this week. We don't really have the money to be spending on this situation right now, but I'd rather eat Easy Mac every day then have fleas hopping on me!
Good news: Andy got accepted into the U of A MMBA program. I am excited, but a little nervous! It's a very rigorous program. He is required to go up to Fayetteville once a month for class, which isn't bad, but I know he will be really busy the next two years if he is able to land a full time job, be in school full time, and also have a newborn. But we will make it happen. The program is the best MBA program in the state so we are both very eager to see how this affects our future.
Bad news: I am incredibly touchy this week for some reason. I keep wondering if it is because I am full-fledged pregnant or if it's really the stupidity of other people. For instance, today I had to go to Drug Emporium in Little Rock (Yes - they did have a shooting in this area a few weeks ago) to buy some special food for some of our kiddos on special diets. I was walking out and about to cross into the parking lot. I stopped and looked both ways as the two women next to me did, when a loud scrreeeeeeaaaccchhh sounded. We all jumped back to see a ghetto girl in a ghetto car kicking some guy out of her passenger seat and yelling obscenities that I shudder thinking my unborn child could possibly hear. Terrified, the three of us attempted to cross into the parking lot, having seen that the ghetto girl was stopped and kicking the ghetto boy out of her car, when she scccreeeeacccchhheeed and floored it, zooming past us right as we crossed the street. All the while, she was yelling out the window, gold grill gleaming in the August sun, "Y'all call the po-leece! Call the po-leece on him!"
Needless to say, I ran to my car and shut my door and zoomed away. Honestly, I was shaking a little. Who knows what these crazy people can do? I am also a bit more scared - of everything - now that I am pregnant. I have always been the type of person to take on huge projects by myself, not realizing how small I really am, such as moving heavy objects or climbing on high ladders or whatnot. Now, the thought of getting on a ladder terrifies me only because there's a possibility I could fall.
So, I am learning what my new limits are at this point. It is quite obvious that I have some specific limits by looking at me. Below is my 24 week picture...actually 24 weeks 2 days.
I feel so not pretty in this picture. I have had to upgrade to bigger scrub pants and bigger shirts in order to not reveal my belly when I move around. However, you can clearly see my belly, along with our new wall treatment in the kitchen. It is a linen-type treatment.
I also have some pictures of Emory's room. The paint is *almost* done!
The top is a very very pale pink - Baby's Basinnet, and the bottom is a pearl translucent paint with pink mixed in alternating with the color of the trim, an off-white. The pink is shimmery, but you can't really tell in the pictures.
So, we are making progress. I'm a little nervous about Andy starting school because he will be busy again - and we still need to finish painting the kitchen, finish the living room, make our headboard, finish the hall and nursery and extra bedroom and paint the crown in the bathroom and he wants to paint the bedroom and....
The list goes on and on. We will see how it all turns out. I'm sure once school is over I'll get restless and start doing all kinds of crazy things.
That is my update for the week. OH! I do want to announce that my friend, Jodie, had her twin boys on Monday. I am so happy for her! She was exactly 36 weeks along, which is significant for twins. Eli and Walker are doing great. Walker had to be put on oxygen when he was born as he was having slight trouble breathing, and Eli, as you may remember from my previous posts, has Spina Bifida. He was taken right away to Arkansas Children's Hospital for surgery. I haven't heard how that is all going, so please keep them in your prayers!
Until next week -
Joshua 1:9
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest."
we were having problems with fleas too. my mother-in-law sent me some samples of comfortis (at least that's what i think its called). it has worked wonders! i hear it is pretty expensive but is totally worth it as far as i'm concerned. we're almost through the first month and have yet to see another flea!
love the stripes, great choice! it looks clear, elegant andd girly, congratulations!
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